Where It Began...
Welcome to Fox & Wildling Studios, a haven of vintage charm and artistic inspiration, meticulously designed by me, Sally, the face behind Fox & Wildling Photography.
With a passion for capturing timeless love stories, I envisioned a space where the interplay of natural light and vintage allure would elevate wedding photography to new heights.
Inspired by the historic building's architecture, initially constructed in 1902, Fox & Wildling Studios exudes elegance and sophistication, providing an enchanting setting for intimate wedding ceremonies and creative photography sessions.
From the first time I stepped into the building my interest in interior design resurfaced, and I took the decision to embellish two separate areas. The Woodrow, a beautifully appointed studio for family, newborn, maternity, and lifestyle photography that can also be transformed into a picture-perfect setting for intimate vintage-styled wedding ceremonies, and there's The Atelier, a more classic photography studio that is a blank slate for creatives.
Nestled in Maylands, our venue embraces the spirit of adventure and creativity, inviting you to embark on a journey where cherished memories are crafted and lasting impressions made.
At Fox & Wildling Studios, we look forward to playing a part in making your dreams come true, one magical moment at a time.